"75 tips to survive school" a book not recommended if we want happy girls

It has been published by Alfaguara and written by María Frisa, it is titled “75 tips to survive school”, but it should be added as a subtitle which is A book is not recommended if we want our daughters to be happy girls.

Because with 12 years, age at which this book is directed, you are in the last year of primary school or you have in mind to start the institute with all that that implies.

Because with 12 years you are a girl or a boy, you need self-affirmation and feel comfortable in your shoes.

Because with 12 years you don't need to find in a book some of the phrases the author has thought? Who are perfect to survive in school?

The danger of be cool When we write and publish a book, it hurts many children for a long time. Are we really not aware of it when we publish a book like this?

Because "75 tips to survive school" is the title of the last book that can still be found in bookstores today, aimed at girls who go to school, girls of about 12 years. I can't conceive that neither the author nor the publisher may have thought of even smaller girls, I'm sorry, I can't.

A book for girls who in no case and less at that age need to read that “Always, there always has to be someone to mess with: better than that someone is not you.”

According to the criteria of the publisher and the author of the book, bullying and bullying do not worry us, as long as it does not happen to the reader who has bought our book. Great example!

Bullying is only a problem if you are the victim or what is the same, if you are not nothing happens, just look the other way or have fun that you have got rid of this but are we stupid adults who write these things for children to read or is it that we only think about the business and the rest does not give completely the same?

Bullying is a real problem that is hidden in the classrooms of the schools where our children study, learn and live together. A painfully real problem although in this book with so many tips, it is banalized to nausea.

A cluster of nonsense

"You can't dress badly in case he doesn't like you" "You can't look at other guys in front of him because he gets jealous. Although that, once, is good. ”

Sorry? Are we going to tell a girl around 12 years old that what she likes matters infinitely less than what someone else likes?

That is we will reaffirm his insecurities, those of the age and new ones that you will acquire after reading a book with these "magnificent" tips.

And already involved in the matter, editorial and author, they finish off the play by letting the girl read that sometimes it is good for the boy she goes out to get nervous with. So, without any modesty.

Because the author has decided that at school it is cool to have a boyfriend, does the author know that at school girls and boys, at the age of 12, boyfriends? And what is even more incredible, justify the jealousy of boys of any age by girls?

I can't believe that nobody has reviewed the book, that nobody has contextualized it, that nobody has realized what those words can contain, what they can mean for a girl who is suffering for example sexting some “tips” of this caliber.

It is evident that these 75 tips are not intended for real children but for that supposedly funny idea that adults make of children. It is not real, it is not as it should be in the future, it is not the best time to curtail their self-confidence and it makes no sense for an editorial to find that it is an interesting book for them to buy, who? The mothers of those girls?

Thousands of people asking for their withdrawal

Yes, the indignation has not been expected and as soon as the photos of some of the pages of the book began to circulate on social networks, a wave of indignation began to rise that led even to ask signatures to internatutas to request that the editorial remove the book.

At the end of writing this post, 18,000 signatures had already been requested asking the publisher to withdraw from the bookstores.

Surely the author had not stopped to think the impact that just that could have: not stopping to think and write "tips" that can hurt so many children.

Throughout the day, the Alfaguara publishing house responsible for the publication of the book has published a statement on its Twitter account in which it essentially claims that it is a fiction book, something that clashes with the same title of the book " 75 tips ... "are they tips or is it fiction?

It maintains its position and announces that they have no intention of removing it from the libraries. Nor do many parents have any intention of buying it, obviously.

Alfaguara responds. Official statement: 75 tips to survive in school. pic.twitter.com/kUedmnts8z

- Alfaguara (@Alfaguara_es) July 26, 2016

The author of the book, María Frisa, has also responded through her social networks, in her case Facebook, to the criticisms she is receiving for this publication.

Of course, we completely agree with her that personal attacks and lack of education are never justifiable. That does not take away so that his explanation that the statements he makes in the book "have been taken out of context" and that they are irony and jokes, convince us of it.

I do not know where the irony or the joke can be in normalizing as this book does bullying or the need for a courtship to be popular among girls of 12 years or even younger.

The same freedom of expression that the author of the book or the publisher exercises is the one that has been exercised by the person who initiated the request to withdraw from the bookstores, a petition that at 4:00 pm on 07/27/2016 has already exceeded 21,000 firms.

A book like this for a child audience, let's not forget about it, it's not just a book I don't buy if I don't like it, it's a book that is aimed at people who are forming their character, who are maturing, who are growing and they are forming, do we really believe that it is suitable for them?

Photos | (The photos with the fragments of the pages as well as the cover of the book, are circulating massively on Twitter, Facebook, different blogs and other social networks)
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