Drugs and birth defects in the baby: a close relationship

The fetus is very vulnerable to all substances that reach through the placenta, so that the mother has to take good care of what her body receives. All drugs affect pregnancy negatively, from the "softer" or legal to hard drugs. The liver of the fetus is unable to metaphorize certain substances that harm it.

Therefore, even a small amount or dose of drugs can pass to the fetus with great ease and become an overdose for him. Let's see how different drugs affect the possibility of your baby being born with congenital defects and with other problems, and even the possibility of an abortion.

In the Guide for the prevention of congenital defects, prepared by the Working Group of the Ministry of Health and Consumption of Spain, the following references to the different illegal drugs that harm the baby are indicated:

  • Heroin. In women with heroin addiction (0.15%), the preconceptional consultation is the right time to propose detoxification, if it is not possible and the woman is already pregnant, it is preferable to incorporate it into a methadone program, since detoxification is not convenient perform it during pregnancy, since during the withdrawal syndrome the risk of premature birth and fetal death is increased. The withdrawal syndrome of the newborn is similar to that of the adult, with tremors, sweating, convulsions, sleep disorders, crying and difficulty in sucking.

  • Cocaine. The abandonment of cocaine (0.23%) should be proposed in the preconception period and if not possible before, in the course of pregnancy as its consumption increases the risk of abortion, placental abruptio, antepartum fetal death, sudden death of the newborn and maternal hypertension.

In the case of intravenous drugs, together with the toxic effects, the risk of viral infections is associated with the use of contaminated syringes and needles.

  • Marijuana. It can cause abortions, prematurity and intrauterine death of the fetus (this has been proven in animals). In the children of mothers who consume this drug, a higher incidence of vision and behavior disorders has been proven.

  • Amphetamines. They can produce cardiac malformations, cleft lip, and disorders in their psychomotor development.

  • Designer drugs. Vegetal Ecstasy and Special K are variants and synthetic mixtures of amphetamines and produce the same type of complications. In 1998, the Netherlands Teratological Information Service published a prospective study in pregnant women (0.06%) confirming these effects.

As we see, it is essential that a woman with drug addiction problems seek preconception help, because the sooner the body is released from harmful substances, the more likely it is that pregnancy will occur and come to fruition.

Of course, Drugs are not the only cause why a baby can be born with problems, so we remind you all we can do to lead a healthy lifestyle and prevent congenital defects in the baby.

Photos | iStock
Via | MSSI
In Babies and more | How do drugs affect pregnancy and the baby? What happens to the sperm of men who use marijuana? Effects of hard drugs on the fetus

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