Be only 7 years old and have three children send you to the hospital for a beating [Updated]

UPDATE (11/15/2016)

As we read in El Mundo, the Prosecutor's Office has filed the case. As reported by the School Board of the school, what happened was an incident between two students without major consequences. Apparently the boy allegedly harassed he was hit with a plastic tupper when I played with another student. This happened in front of a dining room monitor and after the event the boy kept eating and playing.

The medical party confirms, according to the statement, that the child he only had a wound on his lip.

In addition, there are no previous reports of harassment by the family or the authorities or the school itself.

Original news

We are doing something very badly as a society if the next generation is not integrating the values ​​that we should be transmitting as adults. If they don't respect each other and if they can get to the point of do a lot of harm to another child just for the pleasure of having that sad power, to subdue and hurt.

Violence has existed since time immemorial, and society continues to transmit it in many ways to children (in education, in the omission of care for disadvantaged people, in the wars that the media show us, in the elections of the political party that we want to be governed and a long etcetera). A sick society in many aspects that is creating sick children.

And with them, the victims. And in this case, the victim: Be only 7 years old and have three children send you to the hospital for a beating.

Three children of 8, 9 and 10 years

Stop. Ok If you don't act, you become in accomplice. I have a 7 year old boy and it makes me sick to think that it could be him. There is no right. Institutions are failing too many times in the defense of victims, and when they act it is late.

As we read in El País, the 7-year-old goes to school José María del Campo from Seville, and has had to be admitted to the hospital after three 8, 9 and 10 year old children will beat you.

Apparently, the child presented trauma to the head, mouth and abdomen, after the beating that was given in the schoolyard at the time of the dining room.

A long-term abuse

The parents denounced the police for the assault and from the hospital the protocol of abuse has been activated so that the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office can take action on the matter.

Apparently, the parents had already spoken several times with the school because the boy had been receiving threats and aggressions for some time (One day he arrived with a head injury that he said he had done playing football, when he doesn't usually play this sport because he doesn't like it). From the center, by the intervention of the mother, they have chosen to evaluate the possibility of carrying out an expulsion of the aggressor students.

But it's too late

I don't know if the expulsion of the three children is the best solution, but what is clear is that now it's too late. On Thursday, the 7-year-old suffered the culmination of a harassment and demolition plan that had been brewing for months.

According to the family, they were not even notified when everything happened, but when he went to look for him at school he saw that he had a wound in his mouth, and that his shirt, stained with blood, had tried to be washed to remove the trail. Nobody gave them explanations and it was the boy himself who said he had been given a container.

But this time it was too obvious. He had various bruises, and also complained of pain, so the mother went to the police and the hospital, where the boy finally explained what had happened.

In the hospital they saw that the boy had constant pain in the abdomen, and after doing the scan they issued a "serious" prognosis, so the thing can be more serious than it seems.

The three children are also neighbors, and not only bothered him from their homes (the little boy came down his blind all day to avoid having to hear them), but they also did it at school. Thus, he had been very withdrawn for some time, with complaints to his parents to try to avoid going to school, and in psychological treatment.

"That he would have defended himself"

And this is what, according to the family, said the mother of one of the aggressors: that what he should have done is defend himself. Other parents of the center, obviously, have given all the support to the family and have even offered to testify in whatever it takes to condemn the aggressions to the child.

When the school becomes an accomplice

We only have the family version, of course, but I can't imagine what statements they can give from school to defend themselves in such a case. The boy had long suffered aggressions and abuse, the parents had complained, and one of two: or they never did anything about it, or what they did was ridiculous, considering how it all ended.

They themselves are the ones who should have acted before to cut off threats and aggressions, and even the day of the beating: diligently and without half measures. Calling parents and the police.

The other parents cannot do anything for children educated in families that instead of censoring the attacker, criticizes the victim, rather than demanding that measures be taken, but yes we can fight for the educational institutions that our children go to do their job, and do it well.

And for now, there are many who are failing. In this case, the culprits are clear: three children with a serious behavior problem and a school that, probably in an attempt not to make much noise, has been hiding the crap until it has exploded in his face.

All my support for the child's family. I hope it's nothing and, above all, I hope you can move on with your life and be happy, in an environment where adults and children are people.

Photos | iStock
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