Congress supports a historic claim to help children with cancer

Since having a sick child is a serious blow to the whole family, they should be given all possible facilities to face the new situation. That's why it's great news that the Congress of Spain has opened the doors to new help for children with cancer and their families.

Specifically, children and their families would be entitled to a series of benefits if they are recognized, by law, a disability of 33%, something that has already been approved unanimously as a non-law proposal. The Government should modify a Royal Decree to recognize these grants to children with cancer.

By recognizing children and adolescents (up to 14 years) with cancer, 33% disability from the moment of diagnosis is intended to minimize the consequences of the disease in the pockets of families.

Why, What would these benefits mean for families? A relief in their economic situation, which is diminished by the expenses that often cannot be allowed. Access to rehabilitation treatments not included in public health, means to adapt housing, educational support or travel assistance ...

And all this from the moment the child is diagnosed with the disease, and not after a few months as it happens in some communities: that is, this is another incomprehensible issue, until now there is no homogeneous norm in all Spain: each community has its own and in some there is not even recognition of disability.

In short, a decision that has been a great satisfaction for the Spanish Federation of Parents of Children with Cancer, which has been claiming this recognition for years. This entity explains that families with children diagnosed with cancer have an average increase in monthly expenses ranging between 400 and 600 euros.

A few days ago, World Day Against Childhood Cancer was celebrated and we remembered that a child with cancer is still a child. We hope that these aids will soon allow you to be a little better. Each year, more than 150,000 new cases are diagnosed in children worldwide. In Spain there are 1,400 new cases in children under 18 years of age and surely benefits will somehow contribute to strengthening their rights as children.

We get happy of what unanimously it has been decided to grant new aid to children with cancer and that it is for everyone the same in the country. Hopefully now it will not take long to change the law and that it can be made effective to relieve the families that suffer from this painful situation.