The children who interrupted the teacher interviewed by the BBC have their own cartoon series

Surely you remember the video of a teacher who was interviewed live for the BBC when his two children broke into the room. The little ones appeared a few seconds on the screen but it was enough for them to become famous. Everyone talked about them and the chain of mistakes that resulted in the funniest video of the year.

The thing has not been there. Marion, the girl with 4-year-old glasses and James, the 8-month-old baby in her walker, they will have their own cartoon series. 'The Adventures of Mina and Jack' It's a YouTube children's drawing show inspired by the two children, a mischievous duo who can't help getting into trouble.

In the following video you can see the first episode of the series in which Mina and Jack travel to North Africa with their father, who works at the UN, and are involved in an adventure in which they must catch a golden thief.

Professor Robert Kelly, an expert in East Asian politics, and his wife, who are also part of the strip, they gave their consent for the creation of the series and they said they watched the first episode, which they thought was adorable.

The creators of the series are Lauren Martin and Jarryd Mandy, a Brooklyn couple formed by a writer and producer and an expert in applications and technology, who are always looking for new projects. As soon as they saw the viral video they were clear. Something they had to do.

First they thought of a book, but then they realized that it would be better to take it to the world of animation. In just five weeks the project took shape and the first three-minute episode is now a reality.

Video: Top 10 CREEPY Childrens TV SHOWS (July 2024).