Signs of childbirth: the day is coming

Probably if you ask a first-time pregnant woman what is the most anticipated day, she will answer you on the day of her delivery. When we are pregnant for the first time, we count the months, weeks, days and even hours to meet our baby.

If during the pregnancy we were attentive to any change in our body, when we are in the last weeks the attention is multiplied. At this stage it is when some may occur signs that indicate labor day is approaching, we share what they are.

The belly falls because the baby starts to fit

It is common to hear from experienced mothers that you lack time for childbirth because "your belly has not gone down." Sounds like some grandma's advice, but it's very real. During the weeks before delivery the baby begins to descend to get caged in the pelvis. This you can notice because you will feel that you breathe better by not having so much pressure on the diaphragm.

Mucous plug

A definitive sign that labor is getting closer is the expulsion of the mucous plug. This does not mean that the delivery will begin immediately, but it does It is an indication that the cervix has begun to dilate.

You will recognize it because it is a gelatinous, thick and transparent flow and this can occur hours or days before delivery. Although it is relatively easy to identify, some women never see it or do not realize it because it can come out gradually over several days or fall into the toilet.

Blood flow

This is a sign that could worry some pregnant women but it is not a reason to be alarmed as long as it is only a small amount. It usually occurs a few days before delivery as part of the detachment of the mucous plug and is usually a flow with a slight bloodline. In the event that the blood was abundant, we should immediately go to the doctor.

More rhythmic or regular contractions

There are different types of contractions, but the best known are those of Braxton Hicks and labor contractions. Braxton Hicks are also called "false contractions" and can occur from the 29th week of pregnancy. They are painless, irregular and their duration is approximately 30 seconds. We can identify them because they feel under the abdomen and in English.

Now, if you wonder how fake contractions differ from true ones, there are several signs that tell us that now labor is about to begin.

True labor contractions are painful and occur for regular periods of time. The pain starts from the back and radiates sideways and forward, until it reaches the lower abdomen. These contractions occur with a frequency of 3 to 5 contractions every 10 minutes and their duration is increasing. When you already start labor, contractions usually arrive in a group of 2 or 3 with a duration of 40 to 60 seconds every 10 minutes.

Break waters

Water breakage is the signal that is most used in movies to indicate that the time has come for the baby to be born. When this happens, the baby could be born very soon. It is easy to identify it because you will feel a jet of hot water wetting your legs, as if you had urinated on it.

For some pregnant women, the breakage of water is usually not as dramatic and they expel small jets of water through a fissure, although they will feel that they are wet. If you think you have broken waters, it is best to go to the hospitalWell, as the time between rupture and delivery increases, the risk of infection in the baby also increases.

Remember that the best thing for those last days is to be patient and try to rest and enjoy as much as possible. Stay tuned for the signals that your body sends you and if in doubt, consult your doctor.

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