Do you still have doubts? Vaccines save two to three million lives each year

As much as there are unbelievers, the numbers do not lie. World Immunization Week is celebrated between April 24 and 30 and WHO has released the latest data on global vaccination.

The vaccines save between two and three million lives every year and is recognized as the most effective health intervention after water purification and that gives better results.

This year's motto is #VaccinesWorks (vaccines work) and denounces that "still today one in seven children in the world does not have access to life-saving vaccines and together we can make this change."

  • Every year 116 million children receive basic vaccinations.

  • Vaccines save 2 to 3 million deaths each year. Increasing global immunization rates could save another 1.5 million people a year.

  • There is still in the world 19.4 million unvaccinated children or insufficiently vaccinated. 60% of these children live in 10 countries.

Five proven facts about vaccines

There is a lot of conflicting information about vaccines that makes parents question their efficacy or safety when giving them to their children. WHO certifies that vaccines:

1) They are safe and effective

Before being approved, all vaccines are subjected to rigorous tests. In addition, those already approved are periodically reassessed, and there is constant monitoring of their possible side effects. Rare cases of side effects are investigated immediately.

A study, conducted by Dr. Andrew Wakefield in 1998 and published in The Lancet, which linked the triple viral vaccine (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) with the occurrence of autism cases, was the emblem of anti-vaccine movements. Years later it was shown that everything was an invention of Wakefield, that after publishing the study announced it was proven that he had acted “dishonestly and irresponsibly”

A subsequent study conducted with children with siblings with and without autism again denied this relationship.

2) Prevent deadly diseases

Vaccines protect children against diseases such as diphtheria, measles, mumps or whooping cough. If they are not vaccinated, children and adults are vulnerable to diseases and their complications, and they can die.

3) Provide superior immunity to those offered by natural infections

The immune response to vaccines is similar to that produced by natural infections, but it has less risk. For example, natural infections due to Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), rubella virus and poliovirus can produce, respectively, cognitive deficits, birth defects in the case of congenital rubella and irreversible paralysis.

4) Combined vaccines are safe and beneficial

The administration of several vaccines at the same time has no negative effects on the child's immune system, reduces his discomfort and saves time and money. Children are exposed to more antigens with a simple common cold than with vaccines.

5) Diseases will reappear if we stop vaccination

Even with better hygiene, sanitation and access to safe water, infections continue to spread. If the population is not vaccinated, infectious diseases that have become rare may reappear., such as diphtheria, measles, mumps or polio.

A pediatrician's response to an anti-vaccine

On the subject of vaccination and World Immunization Week, I want to share with you the answer of Lucia, my pediatrician, to an anti-vaccine mother. It is very powerful. Lucia shared on her Facebook three days ago an infographic that shows how diseases have descended with vaccination with the hashtag #LasVacunasSalvanVidas.

An anti-vaccine woman made the following comment:

"It's okay to lie so much !!! Vaccines don't save lives. Vaccines are given heavy metals such as mercury and aluminum so that children get sick little by little. Not to mention those who die as babies, or those who remain autistic. etc. You can't be so radical Lucia. "

To what the pediatrician, with all the common sense of the world, he replied:

"The only thing I hope Nuria is that you never have to regret the loss or the devastating consequences of these diseases in any of your children, preventable diseases today, for moving away from official national and international recommendations," he wrote before adding: "And if that happens how it is already happening, we professionals who you call" radical "will be accompanying you in your pain and doing everything possible for the lives of your children. Greetings."

Video: Global Introduction of New Vaccines: Delivering More to More (July 2024).