My baby rejects the bottle: tips

There are several reasons why you choose to give a bottle to a baby, among which are hypogalactia (which is very rare but it is real), the presence of problems during breastfeeding or that the mother should return to work once Your maternity leave is over.

Whatever the reason we should bottle feed our baby, sometimes we may encounter a problem we did not expect: to reject it. What can we do about this? We share some tips to facilitate adaptation to the bottle.

Choose a bottle that mimics breastfeeding

Currently we find different brands of bottles on the market from which we can choose the one that best suits us and our baby. And one of the advantages is that there are teats that try to be as close as possible to mom's breast, just to facilitate mixed breastfeeding or the transition from the breast to the bottle and thus prevent the baby from getting confused or having difficulties.

Choosing the ideal nipple is key for our baby to accept the bottle more easily. It is recommended try for several days with one and if it doesn't work then we look for another, to give opportunity to adapt and not be constantly changing without being able to get used to a particular one.

Feed him as if you were breastfeeding him

Although one of the advantages of giving the bottle is that practically anyone can give it to him and it is a great opportunity for dad to feed the baby, sometimes rejection can arise when he feels the difference between the person and the way in which they give it.

The best we can do is organize everything to be as close as possible to the tit. In addition to the bottles that I told you to imitate the breast, we must prepare so that the conditions are almost identical as if I were being breastfed.

In this case for those first times, it is recommended that it is mom who gives it. Take it to a quiet place, take it in your arms, relax and look into your eyes. Make that moment a special one and not because of the fact of bottle feeding you lose that link between mother and child. Over time, once the baby is used to the bottle, we can take turns mom and dad to give it to him.

Give the bottle to someone else

Yes, this is the opposite of the previous point, since as each baby is different, the same will not work for everyone. For example, it is possible that your baby, instead of feeling comfortable because it is you who is feeding him, wonder why now you're not breastfeeding.

In this situation it is best that the first bottle is given by someone else and even if possible, that you are not near or at home, so that your baby can not smell and reject the bottle because he knows you are there.

Other tips

There are things not so planned or elaborated that you can do and that are small changes that may facilitate the transition of the bottle.

  • Try other positions. Maybe your baby is bothered to take the bottle in the same way she breastfeeds. Try accommodating it differently to see if that bothers you.
  • Rub your lips or touch your cheek. When we do this, the baby turns instinctively to where he was touched and opens his mouth. We must seize that moment to bring the bottle to your mouth to start eating.
  • If you use a pacifier, look for a nipple of the same material. This way you will be more familiar with the texture and feel.
  • Heats the nipple a little. This is so that you don't suddenly feel a cold object when you are used to mom's warm tit. It will be enough to place the nipple a few seconds under the hot water jet so that it has a temperature similar to that of the chest.
  • Be patient. Maybe your baby isn't hungry or maybe he's not in the mood. If at the moment you do not succeed, do not despair and try again after a few minutes. Remember that babies are able to perceive how we feel, so it is best to remain calm to transmit it to them.

Once your baby has adapted to use it, remember that like the breast, the bottle should be given on demand.

Did you have any problem feeding your baby with a bottle? How did you solve it?

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