27 years after being born the same day in the same hospital, a couple gets married

In Babies and more We like to share stories of curious and tender coincidences that we find in social networks. Some time ago we shared the story of two babies, a boy and a girl, who were born in the same hospital 18 hours apart and whose parents, without knowing anything, coincidentally named them Romeo and Juliet.

Today I share a particular story about close births and curious coincidences. A couple, who was born in the same hospital on the same day, have married 27 years after having "met".

The first meeting

Jessica Gomes and Aaron Bairos were born on Saturday, April 28, 1990 at Morton Hospital in Taunton, Massachusetts, and according to a newspaper clipping that Jessica's grandmother kept they were the only babies born that day in that hospital.

Of course, they have no memory of having met because they were just a couple of newborns, but their parents say they remember greeting each other during their hospital stay.

17 years later, they meet again

Jessica and Aaron met when they were teenagers and studied at different high schools because some friends in common introduced them and encouraged them to meet. Things between them worked and soon began dating.

Soon, the couple found that in addition to having a great relationship and having a lot of fun side by side, they had something else in common that until then they did not know: they shared their birthday. They eventually joined all the points and they discovered that in addition to being born on the same day, they had also been born in the same hospital.

"I didn't believe him at first when he told me we had the same birthday, it was a crazy thing, I thought he was trying to look good on me"Jessica explained to People magazine, commenting that they exchanged documents with their birth date when they attended the same driving classes.

Of course, the celebration of his birthdays has been taken by his family as a great joke and they always celebrate it together with family and close friends.

27 years later, they got married

After 8 years of relationship, Aaron proposed to Jessica and a few weeks ago they got married. The parents of both They are very happy for the beautiful coincidence (or destiny?) in the life of Jessica and Aaron. "We hope that our history can make other people smile, because it is something that the world needs these days"concludes Jessica.

Video: 27-Year-Olds Born at the Same Hospital on the Same Day Just Tied the Knot (July 2024).