Pediatricians and experts ask Facebook to remove its application for children Messenger Kids

Last December, Facebook hit the bombshell and launched its messaging application for children, Messenger Kids, aimed at children from between six and twelve years. Recall that Facebook was only available from the age of thirteen and there were already many professionals who questioned the problems that children had access to social networks.

Exactly have been 97 experts those who have sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg in which request that you delete this application arguing that social networks are not safe for children and that Messenger Kids "can harm the healthy development of children."

What is Messenger Kids?

Basically it is a Facebook for children where there are no ads and therefore the social network does not extract user data. All friend requests and communications are managed from the parents account and the content shown, as well as gifs or emojis, are all childish content.

Children cannot use the application or add contacts without the approval of their parents. The main objective of the application is that they can communicate with their parents and their families, especially if they live far away, in a safe and child-friendly environment.

Experts say "no" to Messenger Kids

In the letter sent to Zuckerberg, the group of experts, including pediatricians parents and educators organizations, argue that "more and more scientific studies show that excessive use of digital devices and social networks is harmful to children and adolescents" and remarks:

"Children so young are not prepared to be users of a social network."

"These children are not old enough to navigate between the complexities of virtual relationships that often deal with difficult misunderstandings, even for adults."

They also ensure that minors do not have privacy knowledge nor of the content they should or should not share

"They do not have a fully developed understanding of privacy, including what is appropriate to share with others and who has access to their conversations, photos and videos."

And they add:

"At a time when there is growing concern about how the use of social networks affects teenagers, it is particularly irresponsible encourage children from preschool to start using a Facebook product "

What does Facebook say about it?

Babies and more have contacted the agency responsible for the communication of the social network in Spain and maintain that it is a secure application, without advertising that invades children and that many parents use it.

"We have heard from parents across the country that Messenger Kids has helped them stay in touch with their children and has allowed their children to video chat with close and distant relatives. For example, we have heard stories of parents who work night shifts they read bedtime stories to their children and mothers who travel for work and receive daily updates from their children while they are away. "

However, in this regard the experts respond:

"Talking with family and friends over a long distance does not require a Messenger Kids account. Children can use Facebook, Skype or other parent accounts to chat with relatives. They can also simply use a phone."

Finally, Facebook defends itself by ensuring that they have participated in the creation of Messenger Kids "an advisory committee of parents and development experts, as well as the families themselves and in association with the PTA" and that they continue to focus "on making it the best possible experience for families. "

What can we do as parents?

There are parents who prefer to keep their children away from social networks until they are old enough to manage them, however safe and controlled the environment may be. Recall that in Spain the minimum age to have a profile on a social network is 14 years and many parents have it as a limit to allow their children to start in the networks. However, at age 12, three out of four children have a mobile and at that age, and even less, they are already frequent users of some social network.

Really, a children's social network is not necessary so that the little ones communicate with other relatives or with their parents. As experts argue, there are other ways to do it, and above all, it is preferable personal interaction that through a screen.

However, if you already use it or decide to use it, it is important to educate children in a responsible use of social networks, always under your supervision and controlling the time to avoid being abducted by the screens.