Wake up from the coma before being disconnected from the machines and then overcome a strange cancer: the shocking story of Dylan

Sometimes we get news that leave us speechless and the story of Dylan, a four-year-old British boy, is undoubtedly one of them. In the last two years, this little has managed to overcome a strange lung cancer and he has awakened from a coma for a moment before being disconnected from the machines that kept him alive.

The story of this great survivor has been published recently in the Daily Mail, and we wanted to echo it and share it with you for how incredible it has been.

Diagnosed of a rare lung disease

On Christmas Day of the year 2015, when Dylan was only two years old, began to manifest respiratory problems and his parents took him quickly to the hospital. Doctors discovered that he had a collapsed lung and, in addition, tests revealed that 80 percent of the lungs were covered with cysts.

He was diagnosed with Langerhans cell histiocytosis, an extremely rare type of cancer that had affected his lungs.

The boy was admitted to Queens Medical Center Hospital to begin his treatment, and although he initially responded well to medication and was able to abandon intensive care, he later contracted a strong bacterial pneumonia that severely damaged his lungs again.

Dylan went into a coma in March 2016, after a few months of fighting. His situation was so critical that doctors did not think he was going to survive and so they told the family.

It was then that his parents made the heartbreaking decision to disconnect him from the machines that kept him alive. They called the whole family, including Dylan's older brother, they baptized the little one and They said goodbye to him.

He woke up moments before sedation

Moments before proceeding to sedation, doctors discovered that Dylan's heart rate was normalizing, and the boy began to move to everyone's amazement.

His oxygen levels improved and on April 4, the date on which his parents celebrated their wedding anniversary, it could be assisted breathing withdrawal. On May 16, his health had stabilized to such an extent that he was discharged.

Two months later, doctors checked that lung cancer had completely remittedAnd today, two years after that, Dylan is a healthy and happy child who leads a normal life with his brothers.

During this Holy Week, the child's parents have carried out a fundraising campaign for an organization that helps children with cancer, which in their day helped them to cover the costs of their child's illness.

Thus, in addition to collaborating with the families that need it most, they wanted to make Dylan's story public: a story full of hope and fight That has moved us.

Photos | Daily Mail

Via | Daily Mail

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