Diet and morning sickness

It is ironic that women who feel nauseous during the first trimester of pregnancy may feel hungry at the same time. The food relieves nausea, although it soon returns.

In many cases, it is useful during those difficult weeks to frequently take small snacks and avoid foods that trigger dizziness (usually fatty, creamy or spicy foods) or odors that produce the same effect (cigarette smoke, frying) .

Although it is known as morning sickness, nausea can occur at any time or throughout the day. Observing what your "good" hours are, you can prepare your meals and snacks at those times.

It seems that the effect decreases with the ingestion of more starches. However, this can lead to excessive weight gain. It is necessary to accumulate fat during the first trimester of pregnancy, so that if you take carbohydrates from a bread or a cake, that is better than nothing, especially if you suffer from vomiting. There are other, more nutritious forms of carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread, rice and potatoes, so try to eat those things instead of sugary sweets, cakes and rolls.

Here are some Quick snacks that you can prepare at home or have at work to control nausea during the day. * Slices of whole wheat bread, preferably dehydrated in the oven * Sandwiches of whole grain bread and hard cheese * Nuts and raisins * Dried apricots * Fruit cake, especially that made with whole wheat flour and wheat germ * Fresh green apples * Light cookies and cottage cheese * Raw vegetables such as carrots, celery, tender green beans, peas or peas extracted from their pods, tomatoes * Fresh fruit juices diluted with soda water * Soda water with a slice of lemon * Lemon * Mint pills for slowly sucked diabetics * Natural yogurt with honey and without artificial flavors * Herbal infusions; Ginger is highly recommended * Soft and juicy fruits such as peaches, plums and pears * Dairy shakes prepared with skim milk

Video: What I Eat in a Day w MORNING SICKNESS. Becca Bristow (July 2024).