The advantages of breastfeeding

However short the time you can breastfeed your child, no doubt you will be benefiting.

Put it to your chest as soon as you can. Through colostrum, which is the first thing that the breasts produce before the milk rises, the mother gives the baby important antibodies that will protect him while he creates his own immune system. There is no artificial replacement for colostrum, only you can give it to him. If you start giving the bottle, then you will not be able to exchange for breast milk, but you can do it the other way around.

On the other hand, only breast milk will be the only one "to the letter" Ideal for your baby because it contains the exact nutrients that the baby needs. Its composition will adapt to its age and, for example if it is very hot, it will provide extra water. The amount will be justly necessary, which generates satisfaction for the baby and prevents obesity. During the time of breastfeeding, the baby will have much less risk of infection, colds or gastroenteritis.

The advantages are also for mothers. In addition to the fact that it is very pleasant for most women, it will help create a very strong mother-child bond. It also helps the uterus to recover its size faster and the hormones that are released when the milk is produced will help to relax it and fight stress.

More benefits: it helps to recover the figure because the fat that the body accumulated to prepare breastfeeding, now easily detaches to give it to the baby in the milk. It also reduces the risk of developing breast cancer before menopause.

Video: Lactation consultant explains the advantages of breastfeeding (July 2024).