What name do we give it? 15 keys to choose the perfect name for your baby

One of the great decisions of parents when they learn that a son or daughter is on their way is The choice of name. It must be taken with caution and without hurry because the name we give it will be the one that accompanies it throughout its life, or at least the time that passes until it decides to change it.

So that the choice is the right one and you can find the perfect name, we offer you 15 keys to consider when choosing the baby's name. We hope they serve you and you can find that name you are looking for.

1) Seek inspiration

There are couples who have always been very clear and nothing will change their minds (some even before they know they are expecting a baby), but there are others who, as soon as they learn that a baby is on the way, begin to seek inspiration from everyone. sides for choose a pretty name for your baby.

You can use name books, websites and even know the official statistics of the INE (National Statistics Institute) to know the most popular names of recent years. This body also has an online tool to know how many people in Spain have a certain name. It will help you to know which are the names most chosen by the parents, and not to choose them. Or yes, if it is what you want.

In Babies and more we also offer you a wide database of names for babies from A to Z, as well as pretty boy and girl names to inspire you.

In Babies and more, are you looking for a name for your baby? 101 girl names to inspire you

2) Make a list

Once you've made a selection of the names you like most, make a list with the names of the boy and another with the names of the girl chosen. No matter how long, then there is time to debug, but do not leave out any that you like or sound good to you.

If you already know the sex of your baby you can only make a list, but it is preferable to have an alternative, just in case.

3) Consider fashion, or not

There are parents looking the names that are being trending, while on the other hand, there are those who seek the name more mega-original and they flee precisely from that, that their son be called the same as five other classmates.

There are those who are inspired by characters from television series, writers or famous actors, and it is totally valid, but keep that in mind when choosing the name, because there are parents who come to regret having given their son the fashion name . The name you love today may not like you in a few years.

In Babies and more, are you looking for a name for your baby? 101 boy names to inspire you

4) Say them out loud

It seems silly but it is not. Speak out the chosen names you have listed on your list. Repeat them several times., both alone and in combination with the two last names, since it is important to listen to their loudness. Sound good? Too long? Too short?

5) Follow the family tradition, or not

In some families, it is tradition to give children the same name that has been used in several generations and sometimes it is expected that it will continue to be used. The choice is only for parents, and just as there are parents who feel comfortable and want to continue with this implicit mandate, there are others who do not want it and break the family tradition.

You may feel pressured because the baby on the way is called the same as the mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, but it is important that, first and foremost, be a name that you both like.

6) Beware of quirky names

Some seem like a joke but they are not. There are very ridiculous names circulating around the world. There are parents who choose names so geeks like Google, Facebook, Superman, James Bond, Ikea or Pocahontas. Think of your son and what it can bring to him to carry such a quirky name throughout his life, and sometimes even offensive.

Many give their children names of brands such as Adidas or Nike, or fictional evil beings, superheroes or phonetic transcriptions of other languages ​​... There is no limit to the audacity of parents who put their children what most of us think foul or ridiculous names. And then it is paid by children who are ashamed of the name they carry.

7) Consider last names

It is important to write and pronounce the child's name and surname to see how they sound together. You don't want to make rhyming mistakes like "María Lauría", "Enrique Manrique" or "Raúl Seoul". Also avoid matching the name with the last name as Gonzalo González. It sounds very monotonous.

Not to mention names that together with the surname lend themselves to ridicule as "Dolores Fuertes" or "Armando Puertas" or that lend themselves to puns such as "Elsa Pito", which will make them a target of ridicule.

You will also have to take into account if you choose a long name and it will also carry a long last name it may sound very tiring, or conversely, if first and last name are too short. Although here, once again, it is a matter of taste.

In Babies and more The names of children that will be a trend in 2019

8) Check the initials

As we said before, pronounce the name aloud to see how it combines with the last names, but also write it to see how they combine the initials.

Something that we must take into account when choosing the name of our children is how they will combine their initials of name and surname. We do not want them to form acronyms, shortening or acronyms, such as HDP, FYI, ONVI, NASA or WTF.

9) Consider the name of the brothers

When it's not the first baby, something you have to think about is in the name of the older brothers. It will be many, many, many times that you will call your children pronouncing one name after the other.

It is important, on the one hand, that they sound good together, and on the other not to fall into mistakes such as calling two girls Isabel and Elizabeth, or two boys Juan and Jon (in Basque), which is the same name in different languages.

10) Consider the opinions of others, or not

Here again there is something for everyone. There are those who ask for opinions until the greengrocer in the corner until those who reserve the name until the last moment to avoid the comments of others.

If you start asking for opinions from friends, family and coworkers, You will receive all kinds of comments that will condition you when choosing. They will tell you how bad a person who is called the same falls, or that is the same name they had thinking for their baby, and you will end up limiting your choices.

11) Avoid impossible to pronounce names

There are parents who want maximum exclusivity and choose names impossible to pronounce for their little offspring. Add or change the order of some letters and then the children they spend a lifetime clarifying how to pronounce And how do you spell your name?

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12) Consider the legislation

It is also important to take into account the legislation in force in the country that you reside with respect to names. Usually determined limits to freedom of choice of name To protect children.

In Spain, names that objectively harm the person, contrary to decorum or too extravagant, as well as diminutive (such as Manolito, for example) are prohibited except those who have achieved their own identity (such as Lola, for example). Nor can you enroll the baby with more than one compound name or more than two simple ones.

13) Review the agenda

One of the rules not written by parents is that children cannot bear the name of any ex, or any pet, or people from the past who dislike you or remind you of an unpleasant moment in your life.

So, remember, review the agenda and discard those names that may be a cause of conflict or constant friction.

In Babies and more The girl names that will be a trend in 2019

14) Think of the nicknames

Something that many parents take into account are nicknames, since it is common to look for the perfect name for nine months to end up calling your child "little" or "chiqui".

There are names that you can find beautiful, but not the nickname with which they are usually recognized, such as Maria and Mary or Antonio and Tony, for example. It is one more aspect to think about.

15) Don't hurry

There's time. You have nine months to choose the name of your baby, and there are even those who do not even know the sex of your baby until the time of delivery and that's when they decide the name. Or who, even knowing sex beforehand, prefer to wait to see his face to decide the name it will take because She has more White face than Martina.

You may have chosen a name and in the middle of pregnancy you change your mind, so take it easy.

Video: TIK TOK SONGS You Probably Don't Know The Name Of V6 (July 2024).