Help your child to be a positive person

Good humor and joy are ingredients that make our lives easier. If you instill in the children this positivity, you will be helping to form a happy and optimistic person for life.

By nature, children have a tendency to always be happy, but of course the environment in which they grow determines their mood. If they see you sad, it is very possible that the child absorbs that negative energy, however if they see that you laugh and that you have a positive attitude towards life, they will also receive it.

Why your joy It depends a lot on yours. The boy smiles in response to your smile. Learn to relate to the environment, as you do. If you smile at people and treat them with respect, he will do the same. Invent games at home in everyday situations. Hide yourself, make monkeys and jokes. Nor is it about being a clown all day, but through the game you will also help stimulate his creativity and have more confidence in himself.

Growing up in a positive and “good vibes” environment will help you learn faster. He will know how to face frustrations with good humor and will try again if he is wrong. Laughter therapy says it: laughter is health. By laughing, the body releases endorphins, which cause a feeling of well-being and helps us relax. In addition, laughter strengthens our confidence, helps eliminate fears, reduces stress and helps prevent and recover from illness.

Video: How To Deal With A Stubborn Child: 5 Positive Parenting Tips (July 2024).