Vision problems

The development of vision during the first years of life is very important, so it is essential to detect as soon as possible the visual defects of our children, especially when they start the school stage, at 3 or 4 years.

The most common visual disorders during childhood are the lazy eye, myopia and strabismus, but on many occasions the child does not complain about his bad vision, it is therefore essential that we pay close attention to our son, as there are some clues that They will tell us that it is convenient to take you to the specialist.

If you notice that an eye is diverted, even if it is very little, it is an important reason. So is it if you see that it gets very close to the paper when it draws or paints. You may notice that when he pays attention to something, he twists his head or narrows his eyes as if focusing with them to see something that is far away. When there is sun, pay attention to his eyes and if he always winks the same when it bothers him. If you blink frequently or have red eyes, look to see if you have a speck that bothers you, and if you are sure you have nothing, you also need to visit the specialist.

Another important clue is that when the afternoon comes your head hurts, do not doubt a time when it may be due to a vision problem.

An eye test will diagnose possible visual problems, which once corrected will enhance learning and school performance.

Video: Common Vision Problems (July 2024).