War toys

Many parents doubt or alarm when their children ask for a toy gun, a shotgun, ultimately a war toy. This position is for us, much more preferable than that adopted by some parents, who are not at all worried about what their children play with, nor the possible violent consequences that they may have.

In this matter, there are two theories, many experts, believe that a plastic weapon does not have to tilt the child towards violence, because thanks to this toy, it downloads its aggressiveness symbolically, without any real aggression.

The other side strongly opposes this type of war toys, for them, giving a toy of this nature to our children implies that violence and war may seem good as a way to solve some problems. Seeing both sides, we are the parents, who must decide. We personally do not agree with this type of toys, including game consoles, which often surpass reality and can create wrong ideas for children.

There are some tips that specialists give to those who usually give this type of war toys. Parents, we have to instill our children without ambiguity, the position of rejection we have with real violence, try to explain what happens in a real war, always try to educate them within tolerance and with dialogue as the most appropriate solution to resolve conflicts

To teach them clearly the differences between a simulated and a real violence, totally different is to shoot playing and to shoot really. The easiest example to give them is with an injection. It is not the same to play doctors and that they give you the injection to be really given it.

And finally, that a toy weapon has to be just one more toy among the variety that the child has. When children play, they display a large amount of energy that includes a dose of controlled aggressiveness, these games are normal for their development and also necessary for their emotional development, but keep in mind that toys do not negatively influence the child.

Video: Army Men: Attack the Trench. The General (July 2024).