Baby bottles Bib Comfort anti-regurgitation

Baby bottles Comfort Bib They are one of the most complete ranges of baby comfort baby bottles and within this range you can choose some bottles that are special to prevent colic or regurgitation.

The baby has an immature digestive system and therefore, to facilitate digestion, Baby Comfort designed these novelties baby bottles, the Comfort Bib. The teats that have these bottles are made of silicone or latex, depending on how the baby sucks a nipple or another is more advisable, in the case that the baby sucks quickly, the most recommended is the silicone teat . The latex is usually recommended for those who perform a leisurely suction. The antiregurgitation function that these bottles have is based on the shape and function of the maternal breast so that the intake is much more natural and to this it is added that the teat has a much wider neck favoring the intake.

The air inlet valve allows it to enter through the bottom of the bottle and not through the nipple, in this way the baby does not swallow air and its digestion is much better. In addition, the curved shape of the bottle allows the teat to always be full of milk.

Always try to improve the function of the bottle so that the child has fewer problems and more benefits. More and more efforts are made by companies dedicated to the manufacture of bottles to mimic the function of the breast.

Video: The Best Positions for Bottle Feeding Your Baby. Parents (May 2024).