Four factors related to the risk of caesarean section

It was already known by specialists, that the body mass index (BMI) and the height of the future mother, had an impact on the risk of giving birth by caesarean section, but now, researchers at the University Collage London Hospitals, in the United Kingdom, They add two parameters by which a cesarean delivery can be predicted.

This study, published in Obstetrics and Gynecology, was carried out on 267 women who were approximately 36 weeks pregnant and who were scheduled for induction in labor. 30% of these women had an emergency caesarean section.

BMI of more than 30, increased the risk six times, being high reduced it slightly, surprisingly, increases the risk twenty times if it is the first pregnancy and finally, a longer cervix, measured with ultrasound (it is not done normally), was associated with an increased risk of giving birth by caesarean section. These four factors were related in caesarean sections by urgency They had to perform among all the measures evaluated, so it was considered apt to reasonably predict which woman may need a cesarean section during childbirth.

These studies have to take hold, but if so, pregnant women will be able to know how the birth will take place with the peace of mind of having planned it.

Video: What makes a woman a good candidate for a vaginal birth after cesarean VBAC? (June 2024).