Cross reactions between pollen and food

We have read an article that can be very interesting for many moms and dads, related to cross reactions, this happens when you are allergic to a substance and you have a reaction when you receive another that is different, but has a very similar molecule. There are cross reactions between foods, but also between one food and another allergen such as latex or pollen.

With spring, the risks of allergies increase, and it is in this season that many allergies do not tolerate some foods.

It is proven by numerous investigations that exist cross reactions between pollen and food, and it is highly recommended that those who are allergic to certain plants avoid eating certain foods frequently. Some of the combinations that cause more cases of allergic reactions are:

  • Those allergic to grass pollen can manifest intolerance to wheat, tomatoes, kivis, watermelon, melons, cherries, citrus fruits, peaches, almonds, plums and apricots.

  • Allergies to parietary pollen may not tolerate blackberries, cantaloupe, cherries and basil.

  • Those allergic to ragweed pollen or artemisa can trigger the allergic reaction to foods such as honey, sunflower oil, margarine, celery, parsley, carrots, chamomile, bananas and fennel.

  • Those allergic to alder or birch pollen may not tolerate celery, parsley, carrots, kivis, strawberries and raspberries, plums, apricots, cherries, peaches, apples, pears and nuts .

Video: Oral Allergy Syndrome - Allergy FAQs (July 2024).