
Autism is a disorder of the development of some functions of the brain that can manifest itself after 18 months of age, but they are diagnosed more safely around 3 years. It is characterized by the problems they have to relate to others, problems in verbal and nonverbal communication, limitation of activities and performing repetitive actions. Statistics show that four out of every thousand children are affected, with boys being more susceptible to this syndrome.

The warning signs that the child is suffering autism They can be more or less obvious and you have to pay attention:

  • The language appears later than normal and when it appears, it is very monotonous, in addition it usually repeats what it hears. He is very confused when he says “you” or “me”, the “yes” or the “no”, even feels impeded by gestures.

  • He has routine behaviors, balances the body, makes head turns or rapid movements of the hands in front of the eyes, aligns the objects always in the same way, does not like to change itinerary or food, etc.

  • He tends to be alone and can spend long periods in the same posture, does not feel need or interest in other children or play with them. His toys shake them and hit them, he doesn't play with them.

  • He does not show pleasure when he is caressed, he does not follow the parents with his eyes, nor does he look at anyone's eyes, nor what he is told, he does not turn when called or make gestures such as saying goodbye.

Autism has no cure, but important improvements can be achieved that will allow it to make an acceptable school, social and work life. It is very important to collaborate with parents of family members and educators and take them to a specialized center from their diagnosis.

It is necessary to be in contact with some association, in addition to sharing the same problem with other families, they will inform you of all the treatments and scientific advances that can be made.

Video: Raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder (July 2024).