The anti-thermal, when to use them

On occasion, our children have suffered a fever, there is no reason to fear it, since this is a defense mechanism used by the body against invading microorganisms. The increase in body temperature tries to boost the existing immune defenses in the baby to eliminate this infectious focus.

According to specialists, you should not completely eliminate fever through the anti-thermal, since the healing of the child is delayed by this cause. The solution, depending on the severity of the disease, is not to administer any drug so that the child's immune system can carry out the task of eliminating invading microorganisms. Whenever the temperature does not exceed 38º C, we should not intervene, in case the child tolerates this situation.

If, on the other hand, having the temperature of 38º C we see that the little one is having a bad time, that he complains and cries, then if it is advisable to administer the antithermal, although his body temperature does not exceed 38º C. According to pediatricians, it is It is better to wait for the disease to heal itself, but we talk about diseases that are mild, such as a cold, it is also a way to boost the child's immune system. We can buy them freely at the pharmacy without a prescription, this is partly beneficial and partly harmful, since many mothers usually administer it as soon as they see that the baby has a little fever, so before administering it It is advisable to make sure the situation.

Whenever an anti-thermal agent is administered and it is verified that the fever does not go down, it is best to go to the pediatrician as this may indicate another type of ailment or a more serious pathology than we thought.

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