How to deal with a disease in childhood

The University of Navarra has organized a summer course to be held from August 28 to 30 in which they will contribute psychological and educational keys to cope with a childhood illness, as well as the involvement of childhood illness on the family, how the hospitalization of the child affects, etc.

Knowing the rights of the hospitalized child, guidelines for family therapy, home education for the sick child or returning to school, are some of the topics that will be addressed in this course organized by the Department of Education.

Olga Lizasoáin, an expert in Hospital Pedagogy at the University of Navarra will intervene with the educational and psychological keys. This teacher says that the main thing is that between the parents and the child there is a fluid communication of the disease without treating it as a taboo subject, because in this way you can contribute to intensify the feeling of loneliness of the child. According to Olga, and we think it is the right thing to do, if the child is aware of the disease, in addition to maturing early, he will be able to relativize everyday problems and more easily integrate into the social, family and school environment.

There are many parents and professionals who are not trained to lead such a situation properly, children suffer in addition to the pain or discomfort caused by the disease itself and medical interventions, for not being able to lead a normal life.

Together, and thanks to training such as this, it is possible to clarify the problems and situations in which children with chronic diseases and their families find themselves, in addition to helping the little ones, they help the family and professional environment.

Video: Here's the Deal with Parenting A Child With Juvenile Huntington's Disease (May 2024).