Hospital Classrooms

In the ABC publication we can read a very interesting article, it is about the hospital classrooms and the role they play. Occasionally, a disease causes a child to have to be in the hospital for a while, since its treatment requires it. Hospital admission radically changes the child's life but thanks to the help of great professionals, the hospital can become an educational, fun and fun work workshop.

It does not matter if a child cannot get out of bed, there are already those who are responsible for providing personalized attention in their room. The hospital classrooms they help to cope with the disease, to overcome the isolation to which children can be subjected, makes their lives much easier and more enjoyable.

Since hospital classrooms were born a couple of decades ago, they have come a short but intense path contributing to different aspects of the child's well-being. They are unitary schools aimed at children between the ages of 3 and 16, these children have something in common, a long stay in the hospital. Thanks to the classrooms, children continue to acquire the knowledge that is so necessary for their intellectual development, so when they resume their studies abroad they are not so disconnected and can return to the rhythm of their classmates.

Thanks to the hospital classrooms, friendships are established that in some cases are more intense and truthful than those that could be established in a normal environment and that is that the suffering and understanding form well-rooted bonds. Be sure to read the article published in ABC, it shows the true meaning of hospital classrooms.

Video: Hospital School SA - Virtual classrooms (July 2024).