Communicate with the newborn through the look

The moments I enjoy most with my little one and a half months are the minutes a day that we "chat" with our eyes.

In addition to through the skin and smell, I communicate with her through the look.

Although at the first month the baby is able to see objects a meter away, it focuses better between 20 and 40 centimeters. Therefore, if we place ourselves at that distance and stare at it, we can communicate with it.

The newborn focuses its attention on the eye contour and the movement of our mouth.

He is also able to recognize the mother's voice and face. So if we talk to him in a soft voice while we look into his eyes and smile, we can notice how the baby pays attention and also tries to sketch a smile. Finally, when he gives us that first smile he is not going anymore.

By communicating with our newborn baby we are creating a link for the future. Also, there is nothing prettier.

Therefore, although my baby cannot tell me with words yet, just looking into her eyes I can tell why she cries, if she is upset, tired or hungry.

Taking a few minutes a day to talk to your baby is an exercise that I recommend and suggest that later, when I can speak with words, continue doing so.

Video: "Recognizing Respiratory Distress" by Monica Kleinman, MD for OPENPediatrics (July 2024).