The school menu and the home menu should complement each other

There are many children who perform one of the main meals of the day in the school canteen and dinner at home. The dining service of the schools is increased little by little thanks to the special attention that is being given to the children's menus in the schools, being increasingly of nutritional and dietary quality.

But this situation does not occur in all school canteens, much less, there are still many in which healthy rules for proper development are not respected. Parents should monitor what type of food their children receive, they should not let their guard down, since economic interests affect the school menus they provide, causing them to be really deficient and loaded with fat. As for the dining rooms in which adequate food is contemplated for the little ones, we could say that today you can eat even better in these school canteens than in the children's own house. Many of the whims and products that predispose to overweight and obesity are provided by the parents themselves, if we are watching the school canteen properly feed the child and on the other hand we provide poor food, all efforts for the child to make A healthy and balanced diet will be fruitless.

Ideally, the school menu and the home menu were complementary and that both will adapt to the needs of the little ones taking care of the food provided. If a child has the misfortune of coinciding with an unhealthy and fat-laden diet at home and also occurs in the school canteen, one could say that he has all the numbers to be one of the thousands of obese people who swell Obesity rates in our country.

Video: Create Menus in Microsoft Access (July 2024).