Protection against food allergies thanks to breastfeeding and probiotic foods

The Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN) has presented evidence demonstrating a clear relationship between breastfeeding, diets and food allergies. During the last decades there has been a clear increase in this type of allergies, with one child in three suffering from them.

The data is not encouraging, as it is believed that by 2015, up to half of European children may suffer from a type of food allergy. We cannot provide all the fault of food allergies, factors such as hereditary or environmental are also a direct cause but mostly the influence is exerted by food.

Breastfeeding contributes to a better development of children but also protects with more forcefulness of the different proteins that cause such allergies, such as that contained in cow's milk. The study indicates that the breastfeeding time is proportionate to the protection of the child, with only four months of breastfeeding an 18 month protection against the cow's milk protein that produces the allergy would be achieved, the possibility of suffering would be reduced dermatitis up to three years and the possible risks of asthma up to six years.

Surely more beneficial effects resulting from breastfeeding could be found, we already know many, but we will continue to discover more. The research also indicates that babies who cannot be breastfed, can take other types of hypoallergenic formula milk as well as avoid the intake of solids at least up to six months of age, this would mean a significant decrease in the chances of suffer a food allergy and especially if parents have an allergic history.

The components of the diet are also very important, a diet rich in vitamins C or E, among others, has a real protective effect, these vitamins are precisely in vegetables and fruits, foods that should have more importance on everyone's tables the homes We can also associate overweight and obesity, the truth is that everything is related, many of the current problems derive from food.

Many will be the investigations and all will provide the same result, a healthy lifestyle and a good diet are necessary from the beginning.

Video: How We Cured Baby Eczema While Breastfeeding with an Elimination Diet (July 2024).