Fuenlabrada Hospital: awarded by UNICEF for its support for breastfeeding

Any project that encourages breastfeeding from day one deserves to be rewarded.

In this case, it was the Fuenlabrada Hospital awarded by UNICEF as Children's Friendly Hospital for its initiative in favor of breastfeeding babies, which has the collaboration of the World Health Organization (WHO).

It is the first center in Madrid that receives this award and the twelfth obtained in Spain for fulfilling a series of requirements in order to promote, protect and support exclusive breastfeeding from the birth of the baby.

Help mothers for their first breastfeeding for half an hour after delivery, provide information on the benefit of breastfeeding, do not give artificial teats or pacifiers, leave babies with mothers 24 hours, support groups to breastfeeding, have been some of the reasons that have made the center was awarded.

In the maternity that my girls were born, nobody taught me how to breastfeed for the first time or anything about breastfeeding.

I was very clear that I would do it, but a little help would encourage many mothers to breastfeed.

From here, congratulations to the hospital and hopefully serve as an example for all centers in Spain.

Video: AmpliaciĆ³n de urgencias en el Hospital de Fuenlabrada (July 2024).