New pregnancies through vitrification

Unlike previous ovule preservation techniques, vitrification prevents ovules from being damaged during their preservation for later use, they are not destroyed by the formation of ice crystals as was the case with previous techniques and a high rate is achieved. of survival, up to 97% of them.

The new technique allows better planning of pregnancy, as well as a synchronization of possible donations. Preserved eggs through vitrification they also present the same possibilities of being successfully fertilized with respect to the newly extracted ovules. Since October, the IVI (Valencian Institute of Infertility) has used the new technique with 225 ovules, making 217 survive by presenting their structural characteristics intact. Thanks to this, it has been possible to raise the success rate of a pregnancy that was around 30% and now by 64%, a success without a doubt. Unlike the results with embryos or sperm, the traditional techniques that were used to preserve an egg were quite fruitless, since up to one hundred frozen eggs were needed to achieve a newborn. With vitrification, this has gone down in history, the procedure is as follows:

First the temperature at which the oocyte is exposed is reduced, from 22º C initials to -196º C in a sudden way, so sudden that the cooling rate is 23,000 degrees per minute, unlike traditional techniques where the speed was of 1º C per minute. Subsequently, cryoprotectants are used to avoid any possible damage and finally frozen in "dry" with liquid nitrogen.

The results obtained are magnificent, it is a great advance in the fight against infertility and the loss of genetic material. In addition, the cost of the procedure is significantly lower than in vitro fertilization, about 2,000 euros.

Video: Frozen Egg Pregnancy (July 2024).