The adventure of being a mom

"Our babies do not know our level of instruction ... For them we are TODAMAMA, they take it for granted, they employ us since they are born giving us work, without requiring training courses, Master, photocopy of the supposed title or anything ...

They take us a permanent exam and approve us with their wide smiles or “punch us” with their endless cries… it is possible to return to work, it is possible to be skinny again, it is possible to resume sexuality with pleasure, it is possible to continue the relationship with friends…

The only thing that is not possible is to achieve it effortlessly ... ”These quotes belong to the Argentine psychologist Adriana Penerini from her book “The great adventure of being a mom”, a book that talks about motherhood in our language, without makeup, without dyes from "pink baby magazines." I, who have released my mother again, have felt totally identified with what the author, maternity and parenting specialist, recounts in her book.

And from the same author I found in the blog For Babies an interesting article entitled "Being a dad: a daily challenge", where he reflects on the newly discovered fatherhood of men in these times.

The adventure of being a mother | ISBN: 9871068026 | 15 euros

Video: The greatest adventure of all, being a mom. (July 2024).