Quadruplets born naturally conceived in Girona

He quadruple birth It's not one of the most frequent news we say, let alone if the babies were conceived naturally, without mediating any fertilization treatment.

The 37-year-old mother gave birth to three children and one girl, Mohamed, Youssef, Anas and Imam, 33 weeks pregnant at the Josep Trueta Hospital in Girona yesterday, weighing between 1,280 and 1,500 kg.

The news, besides being a happy event, has several curious points.

On the one hand, it has not been necessary to practice a C-section, which tends to be the most common in the case of multiple births.

On the other, it is a Moroccan mother, a sample of the large number of births of immigrant women who are taking place in Spain, about 20% of total births.

And finally, and the one that has more merit, is that the mother has not become pregnant by any fertilization treatment, which are usually responsible for the majority of multiple gestations, but has been the result of what doctors call a “ spontaneous pregnancy ”, that is, an accidental coincidence that occurs once every 600,000 pregnancies.

As you can see here, the four little ones are in incubators where they should stay at least a week.

Video: Mother Delivers Quadruplets at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns (July 2024).