The parents were once judged for the autism of their children

In the 20th century the parents of children with autism were judged very severely and unfairly, even being accused by some specialists who argued that the disease was caused by the cold attitude they had with their children. Among some of the treatments that were performed then was the psychotherapy to which the children and parents were subjected.

There were even those who claimed that children's autism was closely related to the possible social or intellectual tendency presented by the parents.

Those who knew best that these conclusions were wrong, were the parents themselves, some specialists and doctors had autistic children and when living in their own meats the experience, began to study the disease, already in 1964 the psychologist Bernard Rimland published evidence showing that the Autism was a neurological disease. The investigations that have been carried out during the last years in relation to autism have been mainly promoted by the parents, if it were not for the pressure that they have exerted, nowadays there would still be little knowledge about the disease in question.

The involvement of the relatives of autistic children in the studies has allowed a great boost to studies and research related to the disease, but one aspect that has drawn our attention considerably and that is reported in the publication of El Mundo, is the reference that indicates that parents try therapies developed by themselves, without the approval of specialists.

This fact challenges the medical community, in our opinion, in the past this measure would have been more than commendable in the face of passive health and ignorance of autism, but today things have changed and there is a need for communion among those who suffer from Autism experience in their children and the medical and scientific community.

Finding therapies and solutions is one of the obligations that researchers have, and parents should encourage and support those who study these solutions, do not rely on what is advised or commented by those who do not know the disease, or healers, or healers, or who says "I tried this and it worked for me".

Currently there is no cure for autism, but progress has been made in treatments, early attention as well as early diagnosis are aspects that will improve the situation of the child with autism.

We advise to access the link of Autism Research Institute, an organization that since 1967 has a main task, to promote research on autism and disseminate the results obtained from research carried out on early detection, treatments, etc.

Video: Money and Autistic Girls Future (July 2024).