Spaniards do not dare with large families

If sometimes it is a difficult task for many Spanish couples to consider having a child, let's not say three. According to the statistical office Eurostat (European Union), Spain is an anomaly of the European context. The truth is that crossing out our country as an anomaly in terms of birth is a great truth, we just have to review the statistical data.

Our national average of births stands at 1.3 children, a figure that is far from the one presented by the European average, with 2.1 children. To consider having a large family is today quite impossible given all the existing problems, expensive life and little help, work, tight wages, expensive and small homes, etc. Faced with such a scenario it is not surprising that Spaniards do not dare with large families.

In the year 2000, only 14% of the families had 3 or more children, and then we were in line to be the most likely, but in addition, we must add another problem to those mentioned above so that they cannot become numerous relatives, the delay of the arrival of the first child. We would say that this problem is circumstantial and caused by the obstacles mentioned above. Surely if there were the necessary help and a family could subsist properly conceiving 2 or 3 children, the statistics regarding this issue would change.

At the moment we can settle for having the couple in some cases and with enough efforts. Statistics say how the situation is, but they should also mention the causes that have led to it.

If we analyze the data in the table we show, we can see that the countries that lead the ranking are those that have the best quality of life in all aspects. Spain is the last on the list, it is also the last in aid. To object to the incorporation of women into the labor market is not something in which we agree, since to maintain a family, rather, being able to buy a flat to form a family is almost the full salary of one of the parents, If the other did not work, what would they live then?

The mentioned labor incorporation of women has also occurred in the countries that appear in first position in the graph, however, they lead the ranks of procreation.

Video: 50 Questions With Familia Diamond. Familia Diamond (July 2024).