New formula presented to reconcile family and work life in Europe

The European Community is very aware of the bad situation of birth in Europe, among some of the main causes that are considered, is the introduction of women in the labor market. With the intention of eliminating this obstacle, A document has been presented to European governments that seems to be the key to achieving a reconciliation between family life and working life.

The document in question must be put to trial by the various governments and by the EuroCam. A survey belonging to the Eurobarometer last year indicates that mostly Europeans would like to have more children than they already have. Not only is the entry of women into the labor market, in our opinion several factors have been combined that, depending on the standard of living of each country, affect to a greater or lesser extent. In the case of Spain we could mention the little aid received (again), the mileurista salaries, the high housing prices, the introduction of women to the labor market, etc.

In other countries they do not have so many problems, they have a better standard of living, more aid and women work equally, in addition there is greater labor flexibility. It must be taken into account that in 2002 all the countries of the European Union committed themselves to improving this situation by providing adequate facilities in the workplace to the parents.

We hope that the document in question can provide the keys that improve this situation.

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