Personal card with the baby's genetic profile shortly for Spain

For the next decade, Spanish Health has raised the provide all newborns with a personal card that will show the genetic profile and all data related to the possible occurrence of different diseases of genetic origin.

According to Ramón Cacabelos, president of the Spanish Society of Genomic Medicine, within 15 years this card will be effective and a blood sample of the newborn will be enough to enter data on the card as the possible predisposition that the baby can present suffer certain diseases

This new identity card will also reflect the medications that are most recommended against these diseases, the medical history, etc. One of the great advantages obtained with this system is the continuous updating in the computer base where it will be reflected which drugs act more effectively on the altered genes, the discarding of those that do not work or in the design of new more effective drugs. Controlling and processing all data will help to better understand many of the genetic diseases and their treatment.

Each medical condition must be treated at the genetic level, it is the most effective and accurate way to diagnose a disease, as Cacabelos indicates, 80% of the diseases diagnosed start from clinical symptoms and many of them are very similar in totally different diseases, that does not treat properly, the new card can overcome this problem.