According to experts it is not advisable to bathe the baby daily

According to experts, parents may be damaging the baby's skin with the daily bath. Today's children are twice as likely to have skin problems as eczema that their parents' generation has revealed a study.

Pediatricians are blaming the increase of these skin problems in the daily bath. They advise that bathing them two or three times a week is enough, until they begin to crawl.

3% of babies (37% boys and 33% girls) have sensitive skin. Most bathe at least once a day, one in five on an inter-daily basis. Only 19% two or three times a week (the recommended frequency).

Elena Dalrymple, who carried out the research states that “the skin of a baby is five times more delicate than that of an adult and needs a very gentle treatment. "It is not a good idea for the baby in the daily bath, two or three times a week is enough, just keep the ass, face, neck and hands clean."

They also mentioned that it is enough to bathe them with water, the amount of chemicals such as soaps or scented fabric softeners could be related to the appearance of eczema.

More information: Bathing the baby, tips and information on how to do it, how many times and when Via | BBC

Video: Baby Bath: Best Baby Bath Tub Buying Guide (July 2024).