Does the environment influence so that as a child you have a clear sexual orientation?

According to an interview with sexologist Pilar Cristóbal, it is important and necessary that children between the ages of three and six years, clearly establish sexual identity so that they know what they are and what is expected of them. The interview is extremely interesting and offers some clues for child sex education to develop properly.

The children are approached by curiosity, how is their body, the differences and similarities they present with respect to other individuals or the different sensations they experience, are aspects that are explored and that little by little provide their sexual identity. Each question and its answer raises new doubts and new games based on knowledge, a clear example are those games that are basically a sexual investigation, such as the games of doctors or dads and moms. Children observe their environment and especially the actions of the elderly, everything that is part of their life is observed and the environment contributes to form your sexual identity directly or indirectly. Children begin to establish emotional relationships, whether they are homosexual or heterosexual, after 6 years of age, they ask questions, some of them profound that should be answered with all sincerity (we have already spoken on some occasions of the importance of not lying to children and answer so that their developing minds understand the answer).

Some of the behaviors that contribute to forming a clear sexual identity on the part of the elderly is, not laughing at the questions that children do given their naivety, nor is it advisable to truncate or repress some of the behaviors that contribute to the formation of that identity , as indicated by the sexologist, actions such as rubbing against the bed, touching (either the penis or the vagina), etc. These are normal behaviors that are part of a healthy sexuality and repressing them hinder the development of sexual identity.

Nowadays the mentality of the parents is not like the one of yesteryear, where repression and punishment predominated before certain behaviors, the knowledge allows the parents' action in front of this type of behavior to begin to be correct. Parents should not be alarmed and much less react in a hostile way, it is necessary to channel what the child learns by providing adequate sexual information.

Video: The Search for the Gay Gene (May 2024).