The food industry defends itself, food colors and additives linked to childhood hyperactivity are authorized

The FIAB (Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries) has issued a press release regarding the news that has invaded the media, artificial colors and preservatives favor hyperactivity in children.

In summary, the statement says that all the dyes and food additives mentioned are approved for use in various EU products and that in addition, these are constantly being reviewed by the competent European authorities.

In fact, the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) was conducting a dye review since last July, information that will be ready by the end of next year (too long). They also emphasize that they are genetic and environmental factors among others, which are associated with the aforementioned hyperactivity, so they believe in the possibility that these substances only affect children who already suffer from it by increasing symptoms, but would not affect children healthy.

They accuse of making an incomplete study public, since it does not determine the doses and amounts that can cause hyperactivity in children, but in any case, they affirm that at the moment in which the competent authorities dictate a conclusion, the appropriate measures will be taken.

You can read the full statement through the FIAB link.

Video: Organohalogen Flame Retardants Petition; Oral Presentations - Panels 1-4 (July 2024).