They relate the high consumption of fatty fish with the low birth weight

Fish is a food that should be taken very cautiously during pregnancy.

We have talked about several investigations related to fish consumption during pregnancy with different recommendations.

On the one hand, they recommend limiting the consumption of some fish because of its high mercury content, although without eliminating it from the diet, it contains omega 3 fatty acids that are very beneficial for the mother and the fetus.

Now, a new Scandinavian study, just land of salmon, suggests reduce the intake of fatty fish like salmon and herring during pregnancy to prevent the baby's low birth weight.

The cause would be in organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and DDT, which tend to accumulate in fatty fish tissue, but pointed out that pollution levels vary depending on each region.

The women who participated in the study who had consumed 60 grams of fatty fish per day, the equivalent of two weekly servings, were 24% more likely to have babies underweight for their gestational age.

While researchers said the relationship is not confirmed, they recommend moderate consumption of fatty fish.

I imagine that almost no one consumes two weekly servings of salmon over nine months, but it should be remembered that the most sensible is a measured consumption and vary the type of fish.

Video: Benefits Of Omega-3 Supplements True? (July 2024).