In autumn the viral laryngitis period begins

Perhaps sooner than we expected, autumn presents itself and with it the own temperature changes, it is time to protect children from one of the pathologies that most affect autumn, viral laryngitis.

As we know, it is the children who are most defenseless against the attack of the numerous microorganisms that move in the environment, in the case of viral laryngitis, it is children between three months and three years of age who suffer the most from its consequences. . We can contribute to improve your defenses by providing them with the appropriate means and conditions to reduce the incidence of this disease.

The symptoms of viral laryngitis may be invaluable in the first moments, as it manifests as if it were a common cold, but at nightfall, in the heat of the bed, it begins to become noticeable and the child coughs strongly, something similar to dog cough. This characteristic symptom alerts parents and given the spectacular cough, alarms considerably, the treatment provided by the specialist in most cases is usually very effective and improves the symptoms of the disease in three days.

Specialists recommend some home remedies that can improve the situation of children and reduce the incidence of the disease, for example, sleeping with the window a little open or failing if it is very cold, sleeping with the door open. The reason is that cold humidity improves the disease situation as it hydrates inflamed and dry areas as a result of the action of microorganisms.

In any case, it is always advisable to go to the specialist at the first signs of the pathology, since it could be a bacterial laryngitis, much more serious and harmful, capable of causing serious problems and even death.

Video: Sore Throat. How To Get Rid Of A Sore Throat 2019 (July 2024).