What would you prefer, continuous or part-time schools?

Following a news item published in the Aragon Newspaper, we have asked ourselves a question, What would you prefer continuous or part-time schools?

From the news it follows that the teachers had requested a continuous day in the Infant and Primary schools, just like the one enjoyed by the Baccalaureate Institutes. The fact is that the Minister of Education has denied Aragonese teachers the change in school hours and reminded them that it is a non-negotiable issue.

An elementary school with a continuous working day would benefit teachers, but we believe it could harm children and parents in many aspects. Starting daily education is beneficial for the little ones, since it represents a break that allows a better assimilation of the educational contents, a continuous day could represent the danger of boredom, intellectual fatigue, etc. It would be a problem for many parents for the labor issue, precisely many of them leave their children in school canteens because they leave at three o'clock to work and given the impossibility of taking good care of them, they opt for this solution. In this case the school acts as a nursery and favors the daily routine of the working family. Surely we could name more aspects contrary to the continuous day of a school of early childhood or primary education, but we can also find some beneficial aspects of it.

Everything will depend on the family and the case, we believe it should be a split day, especially thinking of children, despite the fact that our little son dreams of his time when, like his sister, he only goes to the School in the morning ... I'm sure you don't think about the early bird. What do you think?

Video: Grit: the power of passion and perseverance. Angela Lee Duckworth (July 2024).