Unfulfilled cravings do not produce spots on the baby; is checked

I think that nobody needed a scientific confirmation, or is it that someone still thinks that if a pregnant woman does not satisfy a craving, a baby with birthmarks will appear?

That will have made you believe your pregnant woman to go out at 2 in the morning to buy her a chocolate, but it is not true.

It is only one of the false beliefs around pregnancy, as well as the shape of the gut determines the sex of the baby.

An investigation carried out by Argentine doctors of the Austral University Hospital has collapsed some myths in relation to popular beliefs and home remedies.

Obstetrics chief Ernesto Beruti said that birthmarks have no relation to cravings and that although they are frequent in newborns they usually disappear over time in most cases.

He also took the opportunity to advise that there are some that should be analyzed by the neonatologist, pediatrics or a child dermatologist.

Also, as we have commented on the blog about the most common myths of pregnancy, it is also false belief that the shape of the pregnant belly indicates the sex of the baby.

As we well know, the only accurate way to know is by ultrasound after 16 weeks or through genetic studies.

The research is very interesting. Just as other entrenched myths like eating chocolate produces acne, it also confirms that vinegar is used to fight lice. A good fact that we will consider parents when our children have unexpected guests in the head.

Video: 8 Signs a Woman Needs Sex (July 2024).