My baby: says mom and some other things

I have planned this post several days ago with the idea of ​​attaching an audio with the first words of my baby of already 13 months that for my joy have been some sonic "mom."

As of now technology and I have not reached an agreement to be able to offer you your voice, and since it already says a lot of words, I did not want to stop telling you this great step of my little girl.

The great news is that he already says his first words. This time it has touched me all the honor of his first understandable word, to compensate for the first "dad" of my oldest daughter.

I told them in a previous post that it made a sound that both she and I knew what mom meant. Although he said "mamamammm" to everything, he had a special way of saying it to call me. Then he has perfected it until it is left in two very clear syllables: "ma-má".

In the last medical check-up the pediatrician asked me if I could already say "mom." The truth is that he not only says that, but a few more words and many sounds that I have no idea what they mean but that she uses very well to make herself understood.

A few days after his first "mom" has begun to say "dad." My husband almost fell on his back when one day when he entered the door the little girl received him with an emphatic "dad" who learned to pronounce with a lot of energy.

He also learned to repeat the words we say to her. Says "beautiful" accompanied by a manotón on the face that for her is a loving caress, "hello", "water", "teti" (pacifier), "vam" (come on) when we leave home, "Pepi" something similar to the name of his sister and a sound similar to “to keep” when they order the toys together.

It may be a bit that girls who are more advanced than boys in language and much that both have inherited the charlatan facet of their mother, but the truth is that both have been too early to talk and when they start do not stop.

When I reconcile with technology (any advice?) And can record my baby, which is not easy, I promise you can hear it.

Video: Baby's First Words - Mom or Dad? Nursery Rhymes by Little Angel (July 2024).