A mother alerts about "tourniquet syndrome" after her baby is about to lose her toes

When a baby cries, it is usually because he is communicating one of his needs, such as food, love or sleep, and when they are covered, the baby usually calms down. But, What happens if you keep crying and it seems that we have already exhausted all the solutions? I could be going through the tourniquet syndrome without us noticing.

A british mother alert other parents about this syndrome, after their baby was about to lose four toes.

When my daughter was born, in addition to giving me the basic advice, my mother strongly emphasized that I always check her toes, to make sure there was no hair or thread tangled in them, as it could cut off her circulation. Fortunately I always did it and this never happened, although I didn't know that it had a name: tourniquet syndrome.

In Babies and more Turnstile syndrome with hair or threads: if you cry a lot, undress him!

Alex Upton, mother of a small baby of only 10 weeks, did not have the same fate as me and she discovered it after a long time, when her baby's fingers were swollen and red, after about 12 hours after one of her hair became entangled in four of her baby's toes.

During the morning, your baby did not want to eat and did not stop crying, until finally she discovered him while changing her clothes. It was easy to remove the hair from three of her baby's fingers, but in the fourth finger, she needed a pair of tweezers to shave, because it had become too inflamed.

Fortunately her baby has already recovered and the doctor gave her an antibacterial cream to place on her fingers, after making sure it hadn't been more serious. A few years ago, a father went through the same thing and went to social networks to warn others about this danger, as it is not usually one of the recommendations given by the doctor or nurses.

In Babies and more Care with the tourniquet syndrome by hair or threads: a girl suffered it and her parents are alerting on social networks

So even if your baby does not cry or complain, you should always check the toes, to make sure there is not even a hair nearby, because could become a tourniquet and be a danger to him.

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