The physical activity of children in kindergartens related to minor sedentary behaviors

Depending on the physical activity carried out by children in daycare centers, they will be more or less active in their family environment, the greater the physical activity in the nursery, the less sedentary behavior in other settings. This is the data that emerges from a study carried out by experts belonging to the University of North Carolina (United States).

To reach this conclusion, the experts took the data of children from 20 nurseries, aspects such as the living environment, behavior, physical activity, etc., served to know this curious relationship. The study showed that those children who did more physical activity, that is, at least 15% of the time they spent in kindergarten, at home were doing sedentary activities for half of their time. On the other hand, those children who did a physical activity below 9% of the time of the nursery, exceeded 60% of the time they did sedentary activities in their homes. Children who during their daily stay in the nursery exceeded 80 minutes of moderate physical exercises, at home they stayed up to 140 minutes more active.

Increasing the physical activity of children is not difficult and more when the means for this are games and toys, something that excites children. One of the formulas to avoid overweight and obesity is precisely physical exercise, movement, but it must be established in children since they are young.

It is as if the activities in the home were an extension of the way of acting in the nursery. For this reason, it is very important that educators and caregivers promote physical activity among children.