The bipolar pregnant

He Bipolar disorder It is a mental illness that was once known as manic depressive psychosis, it is a disorder in the mood in which happy and euphoric seasons are combined with seasons with a totally depressive mood. This disease has its origin in a neuronal chemical imbalance that causes these changes in mood.

If a future mother suffers from this disorder, as a general rule she abandons the treatment during the entire period of pregnancy, but now, a study indicates that abandoning the treatment can cause more severe relapses and despite the fact that during the pregnancy the medication intake is avoided To avoid possible harmful effects on future babies, some experts recommend not abandoning it. The study involved 89 women who suffered from bipolar disorder, but who at the time of conception did not suffer any of their symptoms, 62 of them suspended treatment sometime between 6 months before conception and 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Of the women who interrupted the treatment, up to 85% suffered the effects of bipolar disorder, however, of those who maintained the treatment, 37% were affected. The fact of not following the treatment also doubled the risks of the patients falling back.

In our opinion, more studies will be necessary and especially on the effects that drugs given to mothers may cause in the long term. We are precisely missing the incidence data on the future baby in the study that has been published in the American Journal of Psychiatry.