Sample questionnaire to detect gifted children

Some time ago I was fortunate to attend a workshop on how to intervene educatedly with gifted students, and among the materials provided were some questionnaires to detect cases of children with high intellectual abilities.

I found on the web of the s.e.e.s. (Spanish Society for the Study of Giftedness) an example of a questionnaire available on-line That can be used for that purpose.

The questionnaire, extracted from the work of Luz Pérez and Carmen López "Intelligent Children, different education?", Presents a series of statements that describe the child's behavior or learning achieved by them.

These statements have to be calculated from 1 to 4, and if a certain result is exceeded we could find ourselves facing a case of high intellectual abilities.

The model is for children between 3-4 years, which confirms the importance of the early detection of these cases, although there are also other models for children between 5-8 years and 9-14 years.

The questionnaire is aimed specifically at teachers or professors, as some of the items that are intended to be scaled refer to more properly school activities. However, they can serve as an approximation.

The important thing is to know that the data obtained only constitute an approximation, and that in any case if the results were positive, we would have to consult a specialist. Such a specialist would be the right person to confirm it and, most importantly, to guide us in the task not always easy to help develop a gifted girl or boy.