Why I like that you like Little Einsteins

Just as MMar told us about the reasons why he likes his son to love Caillou and Elda told us that hers are fans of The Backyardigans, I'm going to tell them why I like that my little three and a half year old likes Little Einsteins so much.

So you don't get confused with Baby Einstein, the supposed method to create genius babies that I don't particularly believe in, Little Einsteins are beautiful cartoons that can be seen through the Disney Playhouse channel.

Because I like it:

  1. Because it promotes multicultural integration, since the four protagonist children are of different nationality.

  2. Because he encourages them to be restless and to go out and explore the world in their nice red ship.

  3. Because it fosters values ​​such as teamwork, fellowship, sincerity and rewards effort.

  4. Because he teaches them music concepts; in each chapter they present the music of some famous composer. The other day I almost fell round when my girl recognized a Mozart symphony.

  5. Because it starts the little ones in the art world. As with the composers, each chapter is based on the work of some famous painter or sculptor.

  6. Because it teaches them notions of geography, natural sciences and mathematics.

  7. And most importantly, because my little girl has a great time watching them and without imagining it she learns a lot.

Official site | Little Einsteins In Babies and more | The Playhouse Disney website

Video: Little Einsteins Theme Song Remix (July 2024).