"Work is an obstacle to motherhood, not the other way around" according to sociologist Isabel Aler

Isabel Aler She is the professor of Sociology at the University of Seville, of which we have already spoken in another post about the definition of insumid mothers: those mothers who rebel against the system in the way of giving birth, feeding and raising children and who do not obey the current social opinions of resignation in the protocols of childbirth, not to take in arms, to allow to cry, to separate early of the babies, etc.

But another of the most interesting aspects of her speech is the criticism of the current work model in Spain that she defines as "androcentric and precarious"and that as it is mounted is an obstacle to the most important work, which is the reproduction of life.

Of course, everything is how you look and what are the priorities in life and the degree of effort / sacrifice you want to make. The maternity data in Spain of the CIS Fertility Survey in Spain 2006 indicate that 60% of Spanish women consider maternity to be an obstacle to their career. And this sociologist tells us otherwise.

She defends the Swedish model of a paid leave year (in front of the miserable 16 Spanish weeks), with the option of another year without salary but with reservation of the job, and demands from the State the extension of the maternity leave and the introduction of a basic salary "for mothers who are dedicated to the upbringing, which is an unimpaired work ".

While neither one nor the other arrives, he explains how "many working women decide to prolong their maternity leave and juggle to give priority to their time of parenting, with many resignations."

With respect to paternity leave, the teacher judges him positively but believes that the father can help, but not replace the mother in those first moments of life and remember that "the child's dependence on the maternal body, lasts nine months inside and nine outside." It is the famous exogenous gestation that many authors talk about and that Punset also includes in the essential documentary about babies' brains.

Well, another critical voice that adds to that of the economist Nuria Chinchilla about the deficiencies of family-labor conciliation in Spain.

You can say higher, but not clearer. The current model of working long hours is socially ineffective and harms a parenting with bond and simply a healthy parenting.

I vote for Become the Swedish.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (May 2024).