Tell us your story: Three indelible moments of our life

For our section "Tell us your story", today we have the story that Marcos Sena sends us from Uruguay.

Marcos is the first-time father of a boy named Alejo and tells us three indelible moments of his life He lived with the birth of his little one.

I leave you with the story:

"Mother, there is little strength left!" "Father, look! Can you see his hairs?" The voice of our Gynecologist kept encouraging us. It was there when I could see how she looked, barely shy, in her mother's vagina, her little head, with her wet hairs, with the unwavering desire to be born on April 21 and not before, not later. I turned my gaze to my wife to encourage her, to tell her that I was already seeing it, not like when we imagined it, that day that gave us the pregnancy test positive, nor how we feel it, when that musical teddy made me give her first kick in mom's belly
No, of course not, this was himself, in person, leaving behind a pure and cozy habitat to give us, at this moment, the joy of being parents. Before I could look again to see his little head, that rumble, that of his crying, shook us pleasantly. "Mother, this is your son" -said Ximena, the gynecologist- Time stopped and at that moment I could see it, intense enough for my eyes to burn it on my retinas and quickly, before them, vulnerable to so much joy , they will drown in tears. With difficulty I was able to take away the tears from my eyes with my hands, to be able to see another glorious moment, the moment in which Alejo hears his mother's voice and gives him his first smile, fleeting, beautiful, complicit, knowing he was protected. Then it was the turn of our neonatologist, who hurriedly made his tests and first attention. While the gynecologist helped the mother and the neonatologist finished her homework, it was the turn of the father, who carried him in his arms and could barely call him by name. "Go on, talk to him," said my wife. But it was too much to ask. Dad's feelings surfaced but he lacked words. It was too much joy together for a single person, months of waiting, hours of speaking to that gentle belly that our firstborn blanket. It wasn't until he opened his eyes again, to look at me that I could talk to him. He kept looking at me while I talked to him and I could perceive the mother as he looked at me. I turned my gaze to her and seeing her in the eyes, life gave me another unforgettable moment, the third one, which has made my heart bigger and my memory, from now on, a large and incalculable treasure. A big kiss for everyone, from Montevideo, Uruguay, Marcos, Bárbara and Alejo wish them.

Video: The future of storytelling. Shonda Rhimes and Cyndi Stivers (July 2024).